[nycphp-talk] Setting up of a PHP Application Framework Index

Mohanaraj saradiya at
Mon Jan 12 21:56:30 EST 2004

Hi all,

I have been thinking about setting up a website to index and collate all
the available PHP Application Frameworks. I am hoping to leave out the
more CMS directed frameworks and solely focus on frameworks for generic
php application development such as logicreate , seagull,mojavi ,
phpShop etc.

I hope to also collate reviews and feedback from the community on these
framework and also put them up on the site. 

This information and feedback will then be aggregated into some sort of
index that I hope will allow PHP users to quickly determine whether a
framework is suitable for them. Aspects of frameworks that might be
listed in the index would probably be , the type of services it provides
(i.e. templates, DB abstraction, caching, security etc), the quality of
its documentation, community support etc. Initially this Index will just
be a massive HTML table with all the relevant details in , however as
the lists gets larger I probably want to make it an index that can be

I would be eternally grateful if you could help me answer a few of the
questions below:

1.What do you think about the idea? Is it repeating stuff people have
already done ? Is it woth the time ? Would it be useful to the

2.What would constitute a PHP Application Framework ? How do we discern
between th hosts of Nuke derivatives that allow for module development
but are not really suitable for more generic application development ?

3. What aspects of Application Frameworks do you think we would need to
highlight in the index?

Thanks for your time mates.


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