[nycphp-talk] Connecting to MySQL on host questions

Bill Wolf wiw at
Tue Jan 13 23:56:38 EST 2004

Brand new to PHP.  Got a couple of questions. 
The following code runs on my local machine but not on my host.  On the host
I'm not sure what value to use for the $site variable.  Using the website or
IP address isn't working.  
    // connect to the RDBMS
    $db = mysql_connect("$site","$user","$pass") 
        or die_now("<h2>Could not connect to database server</h2><p>Check
passwords and sockets</p>$site,$user,$pass");
    // select the database
        or die_now("<h2>Could not select database $database</h2><p>Check
database name</p>");
Also, why does one select the database after logging in with the user/pw?
Does a username span all of my databases or are users under a given
database?  And also, on a typical web host that serves many accounts, am I
sharing a database with other host accounts or do I have my very own MySQL
And lastly, is there a way to connect to MySQL on my host using a client
side tool like MySQL Turbo Manager?  Is the account I'd use the same
account/pw I'd use to FTP files or is it one of the MYSQL usernames?
Much thanks
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