[nycphp-talk] OT: What are you doing against Spam ?

Eric Persson eric at
Thu Jan 15 12:43:20 EST 2004

Ophir Prusak wrote:
> Ideally I could keep on using Outlook Express, but am willing 
> to consider other emails clients (like Thunderbird).

I dont like the client side approaches, mostly since I'm not always use 
the same client, sometimes I use webmail, wap or something else to check 
my mail and then the problem will still be there.

So, my advice is to go for something serverside if possible, if you dont 
have admin access to all of your accounts, just forward everything to a 
server you have access to and then install the spamfilters on that machine.

I use a combination of bogofilter and ordb( on my qmail 
server. It does a pretty good job most of the time, right after an 
update of bogofilter(look at sourceforge) I might see a sudden increase 
of spam, but it goes away after about a week. But always it takes to 
larger part of whats coming. Ordb is used to disallow mail transfers 
from mailservers which have been marked as open relays, works for some 
spam, but not all. However, the nice thing is that it kills the 
connection before the mail is transferred, so you do not have to waste 
your bandwidth on that mail.

The drawback is that at least bogofilter is a bit of a pain to setup 
systemwide, but on one user it works ok. Ordb however goes systemwide 

Well, my 2 cents. :)


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