[nycphp-talk] OT: What are you doing against Spam ?

Joel De Gan joel at
Thu Jan 15 13:35:00 EST 2004

On Thu, 2004-01-15 at 11:09, Ophir Prusak wrote:
> I'd really like to know what other tools / solutions other people are
> using.

I actually started switching email addresses, but that quickly becomes

Always use or other similar services, I no longer trust
*any* privacy policy as those seem to be highly open to interpetation
depending on mood.

I finally set up a whitelist (source code listed on my site) that I
wrote in PHP and set up on my server with qmail. dotforward files. That
limits my email to a trickle and basically allows my work address to
only be mailed from work machines..  

I have actually had multiple spammers go in and complete the captcha I
wrote! Then resend the damn mail. I quickly remove them.

I had excellent luck with popfile (popfile on sourceforge) but lost my
database and wanted to write my own thing.

Hope that helps a bit.

joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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