[nycphp-talk] OT: What are you doing against Spam ?

Freedman, Tom S. Thomas.Freedman at
Thu Jan 15 11:58:18 EST 2004

It's probably not a cost-effective solution, but I found that the new spam
filters built into Outlook 2003 are about 80% - 90% effective... about the
same (or maybe a little better) than SpamAssassin.  They have it set up to
just flag emails (it puts ***SPAM*** in the subject line of detected emails)
and I can often see unflagged spam that Outlook 2003 caught, and not often
any that are the other way 'round (flagged by SA and ignored by Outlook).

-----Original Message-----
From: Ophir Prusak [mailto:lists at] 
I'd really like to know what other tools / solutions other people are using.

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