[nycphp-talk] [Fwd: [nylug-talk] Disturbing news]

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Fri Jan 23 06:11:19 EST 2004

I spent too many years dealing with DLL Hell starting with Win 3.0 and 
it's one of the reasons why I've turned against MS. While on the one 
hand I think they have accomplished a great thing - I've built apps that 
tie MS Access into Word and Excel (and have done the same with most 
every flavor of Visual Basic beginning with 3.0) - I've also spent 
extraordinary amounts of time making sure that there were no DLL version 
issues, etc.

So yes, you're absolutely correct...if the virtual desktop was part of 
the standard install they'd then have to support it. Maybe if they 
weren't always trying to conquer the world, they'd have time to add (and 
support) things like this in their standard installation.

Overall, I view Microsoft as the software equivalent of AOL. In the same 
way that AOL made it possible for my parents generation to use email and 
browse the net, Microsoft has brought general software application use 
to the masses. But in both cases, this popularization comes with a 
price...measured, of course, in "software headache units."

Jeff (formerly known as 71413.3354 at

Tim Gales wrote:

> Jeff Siegel writes:
> "it fair to  complain that this is not part of 
> the standard install?"
> Well the 'power toys' only work in the English language --
> so they don't fit in the world-wide distribution 
> scheme.
> Another thing is that if Microsoft were to put the 
> power toy in the standard install, they would have to 
> support it.
> If you have ever had to support software you've 
> written for windows, the phrase 'dll hell' 
> will probably be emotionally charged with 
> unpleasant memories.
> Trying to explain to customers that they have 
> altered the dynamic linking path for an 
> executable can be a major time-waster.
> Along these lines, I think (or rather recall 
> dimly) that many PHP installation instructions 
> suggest you put your php dll's in the 'system32' 
> (or the equivalent) folder.
> If you follow that advice, it can make setting up 
> a (windows) test environment to compare PHP 4 and 
> PHP 5 a real battle.
> T. Gales & Associates
> 'Helping People Connect with Technology'
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