[nycphp-talk] Custom Form Fields

Josh McCormack joshmccormack at
Sat Jan 31 01:52:06 EST 2004

Ophir Prusak wrote:
> 2. I need to give administrators the ability to modify the custom form 
> fields via a web interface.

Would the main database design change? In your example, could the 
central office add a 4 wheel drive column?

> The second issue is storing the form field definitions, meta data and 
> actual result data.
> I looked at and a few open source survey 
> applications. Conceptually, a survey application where the user can 
> create their own surveys is in many ways the same as what I'm trying to 
> do. I just need to separate the engine from any front end code.
> This seems to be the more problematic issue which I need to solve.

I just finished installing dadabik, so if you have questions I can 
answer them. It's pretty nice, but there a few things that would be nice 
- levels of permission, ability to add columns, etc.


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