[nycphp-talk] Draft of tutorial on creating rich web applications with XUL and PHP posted

Scott Mattocks crisscott at
Thu Jul 1 09:14:20 EDT 2004

I don't mean to steal your thunder Jay, but since there seems to be some 
much interest in this topic I thought I should point out that Jonathan 
Protzenko has an article in the June issue of PHP|A about the same thing.


Jayesh Sheth wrote:

> Hi all,
> Sorry if you get this twice- I submitted it the first time from my other 
> (unsubscribed account) by mistake. I need to wake up properly and go for 
>  a brisk walk instead of hopping on here like a sleepy bunny.
> thanks for the positive feedback on the tutorial.  I guess Mozilla's 
> client-end capabilities are not usually well publicized, and that 
> combining PHP and MySQL with XUL can create awesome web applications. 
> (Microsoft has also copied XUL somewhat with its XAML effort, which is 
> still under development ...)
> I would love to do a little presentation on this topic.
> Chris Snyder wrote:
>  >I'm with Joel on this one -- I had no idea that XUL could be used to
>  >provide client-side apps embedded in a web page. Nice work, and I hope
>  >you'll consider giving a presentation at an upcoming meeting.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >Any other XULers out there, care to comment?
> Best Regards,
> - Jay
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