[nycphp-talk] Keeping the PHP license separate from GPL'd code

Brian Kaney brian at
Fri Jul 2 10:55:00 EDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-07-02 at 09:58, Tim Gales wrote:
> And just as importantly, to what degree can 
> the GPL license spread to modules that take 
> advantage of the extension. And here I 
> mean should I be careful what PHP modules 
> use the extension, because they will 
> become GPL'd (assuming I don't want that).

As I understand it, typically extensions and libraries are released
under the LGPL.  This allows people use the extension in some larger
application without binding it (i.e. the application could be released
under any license).  However, if changes are made to the specific
library, the modifications would also fall under the LGPL.

If the module is under the full, more restrictive GPL, the application
using it would also have to be released under the GPL.  This would be
drastically limit the adoption of open source libraries and is one of
the reasons the LGPL was created.

- Brian

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