[nycphp-talk] AMP development: talk me into a G4 PowerBook ?

David Mintz dmintz at
Tue Jul 6 17:37:23 EDT 2004

I think it's time to move on from my old Dell Inspiron 2000 and I'm trying
to talk myself into a G4 PowerBook.

You happy Powerbook owners, please tell me about how great they are for
AMP development. Persuade me how easy it is to run Apache/PHP, mysql, and
also things like the Zend and Eclipse IDEs, Tomcat, cvs (or perhaps
Subversion) etc. Assure me it will also be possible to figure out a way to
run the one and only Windoze program I'd like to keep, which is Paint Shop
Pro. Convince me that it will be fast and stable and just plain cool and
I'll wonder how I lived without it.

Further, enlighten me as to what specs and features and stuff you think a
geek would require in order to attain nirvana.

Also -- maybe a naive question -- can you build and install something like
Quanta (the html editor) on one of these things? I'd expect the install
might get weird because the standard locations of things are different on
Mac OS X vs. *nix platforms.

Feel free to answer privately if you think this is too OT.

Many thanks,

David Mintz

        "Anybody else got a problem with Webistics?" -- Sopranos 24:17

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