[nycphp-talk] AMP development: talk me into a G4 PowerBook ?

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Wed Jul 7 12:29:25 EDT 2004

David Mintz wrote:

>I think it's time to move on from my old Dell Inspiron 2000 and I'm trying
>to talk myself into a G4 PowerBook.
>You happy Powerbook owners, please tell me about how great they are for
>AMP development. Persuade me how easy it is to run Apache/PHP, mysql, and
>also things like the Zend and Eclipse IDEs, Tomcat, cvs (or perhaps
>Subversion) etc. Assure me it will also be possible to figure out a way to
AMP is very well supported on MacOS X - there are nice installers here:

The other nice thing is Fink ( - basically this 
gives you Linux-like apt-get package system for OS X.

Systems Administrator / Developer

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