[nycphp-talk] AMP development: talk me into a G4 PowerBook ?

Keith Richardson keithjr at
Wed Jul 7 19:19:51 EDT 2004

I have used a mac for the past 4 years, but went to pc solely on my
limited budget from my son and I needed better hardware to play the
newer games, like the World of Warcraft beta, which would need a 1ghz
g4, and I only had a 733.

Apache is built-in to os x - and the entropy site that is linked in
this thread is what I used to update php and also mysql. PHP is built
in, but it most likely isnt the most recent build, unless they just
updated it in a software-update combined with other things.

I had a fully-fledged email server running using sendmail, and web
server using amp. The aliases on the mail server are great, because
you can just create them using their built-in administration tools.

I like the built-in iApps, iPhoto, iChat, iTunes (Which I now use on
pc) - one of the reasons that I went to one.

I used bbedit or dreamweaver mx, but bbedit had better FTP
compatibility, which I loved. It was fast, so you could open right off
of the ftp server within a few seconds, and it kept the connection
alive in the background. Saving was instantaneous.

The only problem that I saw with using the mac was their built-in ssh
client, and when I went into VIM, the home/end/etc keys did not work,
since they had different ascii codes bound to them, but that was
something that I probabally could have fixed.

All in all - I prefer the mac, but I have to settle with a pc for my
cost - 500 bucks for a dell p4 3.06ghz on a 2 day special? Couldn't
pass that up... but I will wait to buy an apple again until they come
out with powerbooks running G5's with a true 64bit OS, instead of the
64bit wrapper on OS X like they have now.

On Tue, 6 Jul 2004 17:37:23 -0400 (EDT), David Mintz
<dmintz at> wrote:
> I think it's time to move on from my old Dell Inspiron 2000 and I'm trying
> to talk myself into a G4 PowerBook.
> You happy Powerbook owners, please tell me about how great they are for
> AMP development. Persuade me how easy it is to run Apache/PHP, mysql, and
> also things like the Zend and Eclipse IDEs, Tomcat, cvs (or perhaps
> Subversion) etc. Assure me it will also be possible to figure out a way to
> run the one and only Windoze program I'd like to keep, which is Paint Shop
> Pro. Convince me that it will be fast and stable and just plain cool and
> I'll wonder how I lived without it.
> Further, enlighten me as to what specs and features and stuff you think a
> geek would require in order to attain nirvana.
> Also -- maybe a naive question -- can you build and install something like
> Quanta (the html editor) on one of these things? I'd expect the install
> might get weird because the standard locations of things are different on
> Mac OS X vs. *nix platforms.
> Feel free to answer privately if you think this is too OT.
> Many thanks,
> ---
> David Mintz
>        "Anybody else got a problem with Webistics?" -- Sopranos 24:17
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Keith Richardson
keith at

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