[nycphp-talk] PHP Scales, Our Chris Shiflett gets /.'d

Sol sol2ray at
Tue Jul 13 14:33:27 EDT 2004

> Really? I assumed that it would be fine, since
> that's just static content.
> I set up a "cool cache" for all of my blog archives
> using an error
> handler, so the static file is only be generated the
> first time.
> Of course, I'm on a cheap shared host, but how hard
> is it to serve static
> content? :-)
>From Chris' website:
"I think PHP scales well because Apache scales well
because the Web scales well. PHP doesn't try to
reinvent the wheel; it simply tries to fit into the
existing paradigm, and this is the beauty of it."
Sorry for bringing this back but I still don't
understand this "SCALABILITY" thing. The more I read
you guyz, the more I get confused about the whole

Can someone give me a more "IDIOT PROOF" explanation? 

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