[nycphp-talk] Parsing <php: possible?

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Wed Jul 21 19:53:21 EDT 2004

Tim Gales |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

> Jon Baer writes:
>>Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 7:23
>>Maybe I don't 'get it', but this methodology seems to me not to be 
>>'Extreme Programming' but rather extremely bad programming -- 
>>just coding without thinking first and without regard to a 
>>thought out library.
>>T. Gales & Associates
>>'Helping People Connect with Technology'

I like that extreme programming pairs programmers.. I have never seen 
anything so purifying as asking two programmers to work together on 
every line of code, on the fly.

As for avoiding generalizing until it is required... that may simply be 
a response to 15 years or so of building bloated C++ libraries that only 
C++ library programmers could really use... not unusual to see a 
rubberbanding after all that wasted "efficiency".  Also, with at least 
two knowledgeable programmers in tune with every line of code, perhaps 
there is less of a risk of forgetting how it works (?) -- so it can be 
packed into a lib later.


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