[nycphp-talk] PHP/Bluetooth/Serial

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Fri Jun 4 12:26:59 EDT 2004

*definitley a big help* thank you hanz

i just recompiled and tested w/ a few functions and it worked (for phone 
info anyways) ... if i make anything interesting off it ill pass it back 

btw i had it bookmarked and lost it and cant find it off zend but there 
was a page with php4 v. php5 changes for module structure, any idea where 
that is?  can a few DEFINES make a module run 4+5?

- jon

(btw - changed from mozilla to mutt for email if it shows up screwy please 
dont yell :-)

On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 06:28:53AM -0700, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> Luckily, being the forward-thinkers that they are, PHP developers made C
> extensions easy.  I did one that talked to a serial card reader.

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