[nycphp-talk] PHP Solution for Website stats

Tim Gales tgales at
Tue Jun 8 08:26:44 EDT 2004

Jeff Siegel writes:

> ... A visitor has to fill out three forms in 
> sequence. You would think that pages 1, 2, 3 would show up 
> some time in 
> the logs...but they do least the "sequence" doesn't 
> always show 
> up. Sometimes only page1 and page 3 will show up...sometimes 
> none of the 
> pages show up even though the logs say that the subdirectory has been 
> accessed.

I am assuming that you are using session tracking along 
the lines suggested in the recipe for working 
with multi-page forms (from PHP Cookbook).

So, if you set up a separate error log 
you can send tracer messages to that log 
and see if that sheds any light on the 

As a general footnote:

A php developer named Gyozo Papp wrote some error 
handling stuff which might be of interest to readers 
of this list -- it is pretty usable (my opinion of course)

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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