[nycphp-talk] Posting data to PayPal from a script using sockets

Jose Villegas jv_nyphp at
Wed Jun 9 18:36:05 EDT 2004

I would use curl to do this kind of thing.


On Jun 9, 2004, at 3:35 PM, William E. Fisher wrote:

> Here is a question from someone (me) who is in way over his head.
> I am in search of some help in posting form variables to a third party 
> server from a script. The third party server is PayPal (sandbox) and 
> the post would be the initial variables that are needed to initiate an 
> IPN transaction.
> I am trying sockets to connect to the paypal server. I had some 
> success but not yet a complete transaction.
> The following code is able to open a socket on the sandbox server and 
> write the post header and data to the server. And I am able to get and 
> read a response from the the sandbox server.
> However, I am not able to complete the transaction.
>  Despite being logged into developer central, I receive the message 
> "To access the PayPal Sandbox, please log in to PayPal Developer 
> Central. " rather than the payment details page. No activity is 
> recorded in the seller's account, and my ipn script at the notify_url 
> is not hit.
> Is someone familiar enough with either using sockets or using paypal 
> that he/she might be able to provide some direction or a solution?
> Any help will be much, much, much appreciated.
> Thank you.
> Bill
> ...
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