[nycphp-talk] custom mail() with attachment problemusingRH7.3/Apache

Phillip Powell phillip.powell at
Fri Jun 11 13:51:05 EDT 2004

Gabriel PREDA wrote:

> -        Problem lies in "mime_content_type" it's not a good function even
> if you have magic.mime... not to mention if you do not have it.
>    It's sort of undocumented function : "Returns the MIME content type for
> file as determined by using information from the magic.mime file. Content
> types are returned in MIME format, like text/plain or
> application/octet-stream."
>         But it says not what happens if it fails... or if the file has an
> unrecognizable mime. Try to use something else
> -        You're using a custom line break  although in PHP manual says:
> must use \r\n to separate headers, although some Unix mail transfer agents
> may work with just a single newline (\n)." Also note SMTP and MINE
> (RFC821/822 and ancestors) that require messages to have  \r\n . :)

Well, here's one for the books.. "\r\n" fails (email is either mangled 
or never sent at all!), but "\n" works just fine!

So I can't use \r\n to separate headers even though it's required for me 
to do so!


> -         You do not have a charset definition in header: <start>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" </end>
> -         If your mail server requires authentication you need to
> communicate directly via sockets.
> -        A misssssconfigured SENDMAIL cand return false if it has some
> errors... even though the mail was sent...
> -        Take note that RFC 821 prohibits lines longer than 998 bytes.
> -        Speed-wize you should notice that mail() is extreeeeemly slower
> that "sockets"... if you send many emails in a loop PHP opens and closes a
> connection for every mai lyou send... compared with sockets when (if you
> write good code) you have only one connection opened and multiple mail
> sent...
> With all these problems... found in 5 minutes.. .what if I would have spent
> 30 mins or 1 day...
> It's amaizing that we are able to send mail... :))
> Gabriel PREDA
>talk mailing list
>talk at

Phil Powell
Multimedia Programmer
BPX Technologies, Inc.
#: (703) 709-7218 x107 
Fax: (703) 709-7219


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