[nycphp-talk] DB Differences

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Fri Jun 18 08:06:09 EDT 2004

> There is also a small tool called MdbToMySQL (freeware) you 
> can try ...

Well, with something like this, I would expect to keep the client's design
on my end as well, which I'm really trying not to work with throughout the

> Their mess should not be your problem ... 
> - Jon  

I couldn't agree more, but that's the dilemma

The reason I feel the sync would get ugly is because I'll be splitting
tables into 2 or 3 tables.  So should they make a change to the data, I'll
need to create a means for each record to know where it came from.  My table
will have Id's that have nothing to do with their data.  Which brings me to
the finale...

> No need to have the exact same structure on another database. 
> Use what's best for the situation, and no need to change the original.
> Josh

Indeed absolutely.  The more I think about it, the more obvious it gets.
Put the work into the translation, keep the site clean and neat.

Again, thank you all...

And good morning.


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