[nycphp-talk] Zend PHP Certification

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Fri Jun 18 08:56:32 EDT 2004

> How do people feel about "official" certification as a 
> qualified PHP programmer?

I generally avoid certs and people who chase them, but that's based on a
bias from a few  years ago as a manager for a software company hiring to
fill technical positions.   Guys with 4 or 5 networking and hardware certs
who couldn't change a NIC properly and got that scared look in their eye
from a 10 node network diagram.

Otherwise, I think having a certification of knowledge isn't necessarily a
bad thing as long as it's granted properly.

Nonetheless, I'd sooner hire someone I would be happy to have a few drinks
with while chatting about coding methodologies and music than someone waving
a signed and stamped cert in my face as proof of experience.


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