[nycphp-talk] Zend PHP Certification

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Fri Jun 18 13:45:43 EDT 2004

Daniel Kushner |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

>>I'd like to ask the question "Why does Zend want to offer Certification?"
>>I think the answer to that may be telling.
>Hi John,
>I the first message of this thread:
>"As the PHP company, Zend has been approached by many asking it to
>establish an industry standard that recognizes PHP expertise. In order
>to do that Zend has partnered with PHP experts worldwide to create the
>Zend PHP certification exam. The Zend PHP Education Advisory Board has
>specified a curriculum essential to demonstrate expert proficiency in

Thanks Daniel, I knew I read that soemwhere recently :-)

What I mean to say is who is the "many" that have approached Zend about 
offering such an industry standard? What I am looking for is the 
motivation beyond the establishment of a standard and a certification. I 
understand many of the motivation(s) behind M$ certification; I 
understand the motivation behind the CCNE certification (although I am a 
bit puzzled by the CNA one ;-)

Thanks alot.


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