[nycphp-talk] connecting to oracle w/ php

David Vogel d at
Wed Jun 23 12:24:28 EDT 2004

Thanks everyone for the suggestions.  sql relay would be a good fix I 
think, but unfortunately isn't possible in the short term.

I haven't been able to get PEAR::DB to work because the server I'm 
connecting to isn't in tnsnames on the webserver and so I need to use 
the full connect string.  Is there a way to  specify the full string w/ 


Daniel Convissor wrote:

>On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 05:58:04PM -0400, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
>>And on this very list is a very, VERY good guy and programmer that works 
>>on PEAR::DB:
>Aw, shucks...
>>...although I assume that PEAR::DB uses the internally-supplied PHP to 
>>Oracle driver.  Is that correct, Dan?
>I'm running Windows 2000 and Oracle 9.2.  Connection times aren't 
>noticeable.  Here's my PEAR DB DSN for connecting:
>So, your system is having problems.  Of course, WHAT problem is the 
>question.  The folks thus far have given very good suggestions.  My only 
>additional thought is a problem with the TNS listner.  If I understand it 
>correctly, there are two types of Oracle connections.  One via a local 
>socket (or maybe a TCP/IP connection) (which is how I believe I'm 
>connecting) and then the other via this TNS 
>dohickey, which I know nothing about.  I hope someone fills in more 
>information here and/or corrects me.
>If you do try DB, make sure you're running a current version (1.6.4).  I 
>suggest giving it a shot just to see if it connects normally or not.

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