[nycphp-talk] Good PHP Apps (Was: suggestions for re-training of a junior VB/.netprogrammer)

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Wed Jun 30 11:53:42 EDT 2004

--- Hans Zaunere <hans not junk at> wrote:
> Another effective way of learning is to hack around with someone else's
> code.  For instance, take a small, fairly well written PHP application
> and tell him "it does X now, I need it to do Y".

This is a great suggestion, and I've given this advice in the past myself,
but I think we might want to mention a few examples. Let's be honest - 99%
of open source applications written in PHP exhibit awful design, poor
programming practices, and blatant disregard to security. I'm afraid that
people will "learn PHP" by hacking on something like phpBB, unless we
point them in the right direction.

Unfortunately, I don't know of any good examples. I've heard good things
about coWiki's code. Anyone know of other well-written PHP applications?


Chris Shiflett -

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