[nycphp-talk] Off Topic: International Outsourcing

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Wed Jun 30 14:42:56 EDT 2004

inforequest wrote:

> Of course we similarly scorn our corporate theiven, overpaid CEOs and 
> monpolistic robber-barrons. It is argued that theose people are not 
> the norm, and many argue they are a necessary evil for a hierarcical 
> system. How many stories can India produce where street poor from the 
> lowest caste became jet-set millionaires based on their cunning, luck, 
> ingenuity, and hard work? We can count hundreds of thousands at 
> least... too many to try and count. If you say it is too soon, ok. But 
> do we have faith that the Indian social system will encourage such 
> equal opportunity? Our system is biased by corruption, and we had our 
> robber-barrons, but our system is not (yet) systematic corruption.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. We have seen systematic and steady 
dismantling of regulations designed to protect us from the worst 
excesses of Wall Street and capitalism - some of this stuff stemed back 
to the Depression era (and the barons of the 20s that caused it). Now we 
have this "embedded" in the very government that supposedly is "of the 
people and for the people".

Go see Farenheit 9/11 (you may hate him, but at least Michael Moore does 
his research and names all his sources - just flick through the appendix 
to any of his books).

Systems Administrator / Developer

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