[nycphp-talk] php surveys

DeWitt, Michael mjdewitt at
Wed Mar 3 16:33:04 EST 2004

You can download and have it running in probably 10 minutes. so you can try
out a few survey ideas.  If you want to tinker under the hood, you can see
how painful this will be in checking out the one main script that does the
layout called funcs_render.php (one big loop going through all of the
questions) and the one script which defines how each type of question
renders in html,  Take a look at both of these and you will
see the heart of the program.

It's hard for me to judge/help you really know if this worthwhile. It works
for me as I needed a survey tool that allowed non-programmers to set up
surveys that easily embed in our page templates with no need for quick

James Flemer is the author and he has been helpful in the past.  I think he
just wasn't interested in some of my changes and so we sort of moved on in
different directions.  I think that my previous comment about forking may
have been misleading about the helpfulness of the author.


> Mike, are you suggesting that it might be a good idea to start with some
> of
> the code from phpESP and perhaps build on it and customize my own
> solution?
> ...especially if I want to be able to have rigid control over the
> html/style?

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