[nycphp-talk] [ot] oh my god ... buy stamps to send email???

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Fri Mar 5 13:03:40 EST 2004

On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 12:11:29PM -0500, jon baer wrote:

This article is absurd for two reasons...

> NEW YORK (AP) -- If the U.S. Postal Service delivered mail for free, our
> mailboxes would surely runneth over with more credit-card offers,
> sweepstakes entries, and supermarket fliers.

Last time I checked, most mailboxes do "runneth over" with this crap, 
despite mailers paying for the privilege, albeit at a heavily discounted 

> e-mail: It's essentially free to send. So Microsoft Corp. chairman Bill
> Gates, among others, is now suggesting that we start buying "stamps" for
> e-mail.

This was announced about a month ago.  Guess his PR people are looking to
get more recognition for the big man and the writers/editors at AP have no 
memory and/or just don't care.  Using on
"gates pay email" I find the first references to this were on 2 Feb.


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