[nycphp-talk] mysql module doesn't load?

Eric Rank erank at
Thu Mar 11 16:37:28 EST 2004

I don't know how much help I'll be able to glean from this list for this
problem, simply because the problem is fairly specific and there are so many
variables involved, but I'll throw it out there anyway.


I get error messages like:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() and
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_get_client_info()

when I try to execute scripts that use mysql functionality. This means that
the mysql module is not working properly. I know that much.


Debian Woody system with apache-ssl (from stable) and php 4.3.4 (from
moolfret). Both installed with apt-get. Mysql 4.0.X installed manually from
binary available at mysql mirrors.

Problem started after I did a remove / re-install of php4 (apt-get remove
php4, apt-get install php4.)

I DID make sure to `apt-get install php4-mysql`

The mysql module is not listed on a 'phpinfo()' page. However, the
configuration line lists mysql info in it.

DB_Dataobject CAN communicate with the database!

At this point I'm ready to remove and re-install both php and apache-ssl,
but I'd like to avoid doing both if necessary. Esp. apache, as the config is
fairly customized.


Is there something I'm missing configuration-wise? has anyone else had
problems with the mysql module loading?

Thanks team!


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