[nycphp-talk] GD Lib problem?

bpang at bpang at
Fri Mar 12 12:03:50 EST 2004

Yes, that's what I intended for you to do...

you could also use simple silhouette shapes to further confound debunkers

circle, square, elephant, automobile, etc...

the problem with the built in text is that size is limited..

> Jeff Siegel wrote:
>> I thought of that but then it would seem to kinda defeat the purpose of
>> a captcha since one could write some simple script to just read the html
>> and figure out the sequence of numbers/letters based on the filenames.
> I think the intent was to use the imagecopy function to build your basic
> text string out of pre-made png images, then apply whatever obfuscation
> technique to the resulting montage, and output a single image.
> It could work quite well, especially if you had a large pool of pre-made
> letters to draw from.

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