[nycphp-talk] Re: [nycphp-jobs] PHP job opening

leam leam at
Tue Mar 16 07:01:35 EST 2004

felix zaslavskiy wrote:
> I am thick and tired of these elitist job postings.
> Most people who are familiar with my work know I can accomplish pretty
> anything. But again my resume would not even pass the small test in this
> case.
> Maybe the guy who wrote this didn't get the memo that php is relatively
> easy language and that its no c++. Its also not so hard to create a web
> base report from a database. Its not like you have to create complicated
> statistical models.  There is absolutely nothing in this description
> that would suggest that its nothing more then an entry-level position
> form someone out of school.

Felix, I don't know you personally so let me disagree with you in a 
friendly fashion.

This seems to be a job for a mature programmer, one who knows his or her 
own mistakes and doesn't take the easy way out or assume risks for 
speed. They mention database skills and financials; ergo any sloppy code 
or "quick fix" could enter bad data or leave sensitive info laying 
around in the open.

It is a growth item to be able to see the ramifications of your code and 
evaluate what you want to get done *and* what gets left around 
afterwards. And to rigorously test before deploying to critical business 

If they hired a junior person as lead for this I'd doubt the company 
would stay in business long, or keep the junior person.



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