[nycphp-talk] NYPHP live cdrom

Russ Demarest rsd at
Thu Mar 18 12:43:21 EST 2004

I would love to be able to run my LAMP apps on a Live CD but more for 
offline demo purposes. For example someone wants to demonstrate their 
website at a conference but has no internet connection. This would 
require being able to create Live CD's myself so any documentation you 
find or create would be great to see. Perhaps the goal would be to 
create a base (small as possible) LAMP Live image and then allow 
developers to add their apps as they needed to.


On Mar 18, 2004, at 12:20 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> jon baer wrote (Re: [nycphp-talk] [ot] Red Hat Fedora - should i 
> upgrade?):
>> I always thought [Knoppix] would make for a nice PHP (or NYPHP) 
>> distro loaded with more PHP stuff to showcase ...
> I'd like to guage interest in a Boot CD distribution produced by NYPHP 
> to hand out at conferences and other groups' meetings. On boot it 
> would start a fairly loaded AMP rig and expose a number of nifty PHP 
> applications on port 80.
> By default, the CD would load configs and sample data into a ramdisk, 
> but we would provide a control-panel interface to 
> enable/disable/configure applications and hook them to remote data 
> sources (or even mount remote filesystems via webdav). Instant mirror!
> What PHP applications would you want to see on such a disc?
> Has anyone created a custom Knoppix distro? FreeBSD also has a Live CD 
> project...
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