[nycphp-talk] readfile make single and double quotes odd characters.

Faber Fedor faber at
Sun Mar 28 20:25:51 EST 2004

On Sun, Mar 28, 2004 at 08:16:38PM -0500, leam wrote:
> Chris Shiflett wrote:
> >I remembered the software that gets rid of the Microsoft stuff in
> >documents. It's called the demoroniser, and you can find it here:
> >
> >
> >
> >Chris
> It's weirder than that. If I look at the same document on my two local 
> machines they look fine. Even if I sftp one back from the remote host it 
> looks fine. But a vi on the remote host shows the odd character code for 
> the " and ' characters.
> Can't blame MS on this one, much as I'd like to...

Could it be the code page/locale that's being used?  DO an 'echo $LANG'
and see what the settings are. I'll bet one is UTF And the other isn't.


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