[nycphp-talk] NEW PHundamentals Question - Error Handling

Tim Gales tgales at
Mon May 10 10:29:25 EDT 2004

> Can you narrow this down in the context of PHP programming?
> Not everything may be relevant (or maybe it is?) in the context of 
> building/programming a website.
> Jeff

I guess I was jumping ahead a bit in 
thinking it might be nice to develop an 
error handling class structure in the article 
to show how error handling decisions might be 

The granddaddy class would be rather 
abstract. It would have member variables 
correlating to the five W's.

The 'abstract' class would be extended to 
take care of more specific situations.

But in general all the descendant classes would have 
inherited methods for dealing with felonies, 
misdemeanors, and ethical infractions and 
perhaps a method for granting immunity (especially 
on a 'quid pro quo' basis for more information 
leading to an indictment of other guilty routines)
The methods would be just overloaded -- whoops, 
pardon me, I mean extended to deal with the specifics 
of each of the more specialized classes 
(and their environments).

Maybe there could be classes for Linux, Windows, 
HP-UX, BSD, etc. directly inheriting from 
the base class. And an Apache class and maybe a an 
IIS class. 

Towards the end of the line you might have 
a PHP error class and an Application error class.

Something like this:

          Err_demo (the class in the article)

You could make a simplified framework (really 
just for demonstrating the ideas in the article)
and extend the framework class to handle 
things that can go wrong with some mini-app.
(again the mini-app using the Err_demo class) 
would exist mainly to demonstrate the ideas in the article -- 
but might indicate how you could do something useful)

This kind of article would be a major departure 
from most articles that often include 
comments in the code saying something like
//  handle exceptions here... 

Further, regular readers of PHundamentals 
could become familiar with the (admittedly over 
simplified) (PHundamental ?) error handling framework.

And you could put in some realistic (and concrete)
error handling code snippets to indicate things that 
might go wrong (as a danger signs for potential problems) 
in future article example code using the error framework 
that readers have gotten accustomed to -- rather than
vague comments which remind readers that 
'Something can always go wrong'.

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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