[nycphp-talk] Re: using PHP for an offline / CD-ROM presentation

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Thu May 27 10:40:34 EDT 2004

Jayesh Sheth wrote:

> Hello all,
> thanks very much for your responses and suggestions regarding making 
> an offline CD application using PHP. Jeff's suggestion seems to be 
> awesome ( ). I will definitely 
> try it out.
> Thanks also to the person who suggested Flash. My brother also 
> suggested Flash - but the thing is that it might take me some time to 
> get up to speed with Flash. And its (vector graphics) nature is a bit 
> ... different. Flash used to be associate more with graphic designers 
> than with developers, but this has clearly changed by now. (The 
> website of the person who suggested Flash is incredibly well done, by 
> the way. Congrats on the great job!)
> I should buy a book and Flash and read up on its database capabilities 
> ...

I've offered to do a book review on '*Macromedia Flash MX Professional 
2004 Unleashed*' by David Vogeleer 
and Matthew Pizzi 
(ISBN:  067232606X).  There is a chapter dedicated to integrating flash 
applications with PHP (and chapters for other languages as well).  As 
flash is really coming into it's own as a front-end for Internet 
applications, we all would be better of at least knowing how to 
integrate our application logic with flash...

There's also a sourceforge project providing flash remoting capabilities 
as a PHP class:  I HIGHLY suggest you take a 
peek.  ;)

-- Mitch

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