[nycphp-talk] when PHP outsourcing is not cheap any more

Phillip Powell phillip.powell at
Thu May 27 14:22:30 EDT 2004

Mitch Pirtle wrote:

> Phillip Powell wrote:
>> $500/wk would get me a TV dinner, after spending $750/mo on rent, 
>> $500/mo on car payments,
>> $100/mo on utilities, $100 on car insurance, $120/mo on gas and 
>> $250/mo on debts.
>> Haven't even won a $15 project yet.  Not that I'm looking at this point.
> My old pad was $3000/month on the Upper East Side.  Now I got twice 
> the pad for half the money, and I'm one block from the ocean 
> (Brooklyn).  Fuhgeddaboudit!  $500/week and I'd have to live in an 
> empty Westinghouse box!
> The humourous side of this outsourcing drama is that the outsourcers 
> are getting outsourced, too...  Just look at Kuala Lumpur and 
> Singapore, not to mention Hong Kong.  I suppose Australia is next?
Nah.  Tonga, Nauru, Tuvalu, Fiji, etc..


> -- Mitch
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Phil Powell
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