[nycphp-talk] PHP 5; like ASP.NET?

Michael mogmios at
Mon Nov 1 05:22:48 EST 2004

>PHP 5 is often compared to Java because of its attempts at a correct
>object model.  But this story, below, is a different take I haven't yet
>seen, as it's likened to ASP.NET
I'd like to see PHP, Perl, (mod_perl), and Python (mod_python)  compared 
and contrasted for web development. I personally like Python best but 
mod_python is something of a pain to compile (more like PHP was a couple 
years ago). I haven't really taken much advantage of PHP5 yet so I'd 
like some insight on how it compares with Python as far as code size, 
speed, available features, CPU usage, etc.

I'm still of the general opinion that anyone that pays for a development 
platform, when you can get better platforms for free, deserves to go out 
of business. My LAMPPP systems are powerful, secure, and very stable. I 
can't think of any reason I'd want to consider ASP.NET. JSP possibly but 
not anything .NET.

Michael <mogmios at>

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