[nycphp-talk] [OT] Virtual Dedicated Servers

Adam Fields fields at
Thu Nov 4 07:22:36 EST 2004

On Thu, Nov 04, 2004 at 06:15:23AM -0500, Marc Antony Vose wrote:
> >I was just doing some research into budget virtual dedicated servers
> >and thought I might "inquire within".
> >
> >a. Has anyone tried VDS hosting?
> >b. what kind of experience did you have?
> >c. what are the major factors to look for in a good VDS host?


> Experience is generally OK.  The account itself is kind of a neat 
> concept; I am able to log in and do anything I want, just as if it is 
> a dedicated server.
> My least favorite thing about the account is the Plesk tool, which is 
> I guess basically OK, but it has its bizarre idiosyncrasies that they 
> do an incredibly shitty job of explaining to you.  Also, I had a 
> nightmare trying to apply a secure certificate to one account (fully 
> purchased through the Plesk tool).  Most of my problems were caused 
> by it defaulting to open_basedir restriction set to 'on', and not 
> treating subdomains as 'real' domains (i.e., it was not possible to 
> have a subdomain secure unless it was created as a 'full' domain, yet 
> no documentation explained this.)

I've used both Rose Hosting ( and John Companies
( for this. John Companies is a little more
hands-off and will do weird things for you if you ask, but Rose has
better support. If you don't know what you're doing, I'd go with Rose.

Neither of these uses Plesk.

The only real drawback is that, like shared hosting, disk space is
still massively overpriced. Otherwise, I've been very happy.

				- Adam

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