[nycphp-talk] New York PHP Resources WAS: Idea for PHP site (series of articles)

Hans Zaunere hans at
Fri Nov 5 21:24:18 EST 2004

> The original question asked "what do you guys think of this idea for a
> web site", it seems most people so far agree this would be a good idea
> have such guidelines online. My thought is that why not put this
> on NYPHP, perhaps as part of the phundamentals?

And just to followup on this topic, we have much of this in place
already.  I've outlined what New York PHP is already on this front.

Getting Your Experiences and Information "Out There"

New York PHP has developed four different ways to get your information
published and public so that others can learn from your experiences and
insight.  NYPHP has worked hard to make these options available to our
community, and we hope that people will take advantage of them.

1) Talk List

Participation in the Talk List is the easiest and least formal way to
share your knowledge with others. All you need to do is respond to the
questions posted by other developers.


This is the obvious one, since you wouldn't see this post unless you
already knew about it.

2) PHundamentals

Sometimes a particular hot topic appears on the Talk List which becomes
the basis of a PHundamentals article. The guiding principle behind a
PHundamentals article is that it should be the distillation of the ideas
and methods for numerous developers for handling a particular
programming issue. The result, after much debate, is a best practice for
dealing with a particular programming issue or concepts.


Article ideas, which are candidates for a PHundamental, can be submitted
to Jeff Siegel (jeff.siegel not junk at

3) AMPeers

Sometimes a topic can be handled by a single author (or two). That is,
it does not require back-and-forth debate and can be presented, as-is,
as a complete article on a topic. This would be a candidate for AMPeers.

AMPeers came out of the need for people to be able to publish their
articles on various topics.  Unlike PHundamentals, which is a large
collaborative effort that establishes best-practices via Talk list
debate, AMPeers are general experiences shared by the authors.

AMPeers is ready to launch, and we hope that the NYPHP members who want
to write will submit articles to share with the community.  You can send
your articles to Jasper Lin (jasper.lin not junk at, who is the
AMPeers Project Manager.

A beta site is already in place, and we'll be making a formal
announcement within the next couple of days.

4) Projects

If you have an idea that would require programming to get it out there
(e.g., a code repository), then that would be a candidate for a project.
You should then follow the guidelines for submitting a project at:

Please contact Hans Kaspersetz (hans.kaspersetz not junk at to
talk about projects.

New York PHP strives to bring information and resources together in one
place, so that our members worldwide have easy access to them, and to
form channels for people to get their own articles published.

I hope that everyone will take advantage of these resources, and please
don't hesitate to contact me directly with any questions.

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder
New York PHP

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