[nycphp-talk] [OT] Virtual Dedicated Servers

Michael mogmios at
Sat Nov 6 07:08:31 EST 2004

So the real question is why would anyone want to use a virtual dedicated 
server when you can get a real dedicated server for about the same 
price? The main benefit I can see is that in theory you can pay for only 
the amount of computing power you need and upgrade easily. In my 
experience it doesn't work out that well and it's just as easy to just 
have add a new didcated server when you need more power and balance your 
load across all your servers. As far as web hosting goes at least.

What other reasons would I have to use a virtual server? I suppose it 
might be possible to move your entire virtual server to a new real 
server, as a single file, in case of a hardware failure which might save 
you time and money?

Michael <mogmios at>

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