[nycphp-talk] [OT] Virtual Dedicated Servers

Adam Fields fields at
Sat Nov 6 08:47:07 EST 2004

On Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 06:41:50PM -0800, Hans Zaunere wrote:
> If you're sharing hardware with strangers, I'd read into the
> architecture of LVM.  There's little to prevent me from loading my own
> kernel, having nearly full control of the hardware, and doesn't prevent
> raw sockets.
> LVM was originally developed for development purposes, which made it
> easy to load various kernels.  It's great for that, but does very little
> in limiting the power of the loaded kernel.

I'mn sorry, I wasn't clear - I meant "linux-based virtual servers", as
opposed to freebsd jails, not lvm.

Rosehosting says:

"We are using an in-house built solution. We do not use any
commercially/publicly available virtualization software. This gives us
much greater control and flexibility in it's development and
maintenance. Most of the commercial solutions (virtuozzo, etc...) have
big problems and limitations and were created with the hosting company
in mind, not the end user."

Which obviously says nothing about whether they're secure or not. I'd
be interested in the kinds of tests one might perform to see if access
to the rest of the box is available to others on the box.

				- Adam

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