[nycphp-talk] [OT] Virtual Dedicated Servers

Michael mogmios at
Sat Nov 6 17:47:40 EST 2004

> That is generally not the case. I did see that serverpronto had a 
> dedicated server for $30, the lowest I've ever seen and a price that 
> low even scares me a little.
> But I've had a Virtual Private Server for $10 a month. Root access for 
> $10 a month! Please point me to the Dedicated server for that price, 
> I'll take ten.

How much bandwidth, CPU, RAM, and hdd space does that include? I pay 
$50/month for a real server. I've seen cheaper offers but the difference 
was so little that I didn't really care.

What I'd really like is a local hosting company with a huge pipe that'd 
let me bring my own box in and plug it in. Disk space is always my one 
problem with hosted solutions as their idea of enough disk space is 
several zerors short of my idea of enough disk space. I'd love to have 
5TB of space on a server - I could make something pretty cool with that 
kind of space. The closest I've came to that solution so far is to put 
up a local server in my home and use my real server as a proxy that 
caches requested objects.

Michael <mogmios at>

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