[nycphp-talk] Getting HTTP status code

Emmanuel Décarie emm at
Tue Nov 9 10:33:56 EST 2004

>Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 08:48:13 -0500
>From: Dan Cech <dcech at>

>I think what Emmanuel was referring to was the response code of the
>server, as he mentions logs. The problem is that php will only be
>invoked on a successful request, so 
> the status would always be 200.
>The only other codes you could potentially trap and log would be to
>use custom 404 handlers, etc.

Yes, exactly. Thanks. 

Oh well, I wish I knew that yesterday :). Gee, I guess this is PHP 101.
Before I look in my books or on the Web, anyone has a pointer to what in
the Apache world is called by mod_perl developers (and probably others I
guess) the "request loop". I'm definitely interested to read more about
this to clear my head on the question, although, maybe it makes no sense
in the context of PHP. I'm especially interested in how PHP handle the
request from Apache/IIS (CGI/Fast CGI).

I'd like though, to know a way in PHP 4x to get what the server is
giving to PHP before PHP massage it in it's PHP Superglobal.


Emmanuel Décarie / Programmation pour le Web - Programming for the Web
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