[nycphp-talk] Getting HTTP status code

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Tue Nov 9 21:53:49 EST 2004

--- Emmanuel Décarie <emm at> wrote:
> Before I look in my books or on the Web, anyone has a pointer to
> what in the Apache world is called by mod_perl developers (and
> probably others I guess) the "request loop". I'm definitely
> interested to read more about this to clear my head on the
> question, although, maybe it makes no sense in the context of PHP.
> I'm especially interested in how PHP handle the request from
> Apache/IIS (CGI/Fast CGI).

Well, it only makes sense in an Apache context, of course.

Geoff Young (one of the core mod_perl developers and last month's speaker)
gives a talk every once in a while named something like Programming the
Apache Lifecycle. You can probably find some slides online somewhere.
There's also this 6 page PDF from his book:

If you're interested in playing around with more than just the content
generation bit, George Schlossnagle wrote a SAPI called apache_hooks. It
exposes much more of the Apache API, although I've never actually played
with it (I keep meaning to). He'll probably speak up and mention that it's
most likely broken, since I don't think he's touched it in a while, but
it's worth a try. :-)


Chris Shiflett -

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