[nycphp-talk] How did you learn PHP (and programming)

Keith Richardson keithjr at
Wed Nov 10 12:36:31 EST 2004

I learned PASCAL in High School, with a bit of C++ (only the 1st year
class) - my high school offered about 8 programming classes, and I
took 6 of them.

I picked up C by the basics of C++ that I learned in class, and
applied it to changing MUD code, since most distributions of MUDS are
available for download.

I learned php by wanting a scripting language to do databases/etc for
a website I was working on, with just having an entry form and a
list.. so I installed php/mysql/apache in 1999, and it just
skyrocketed from there, and now I have written some php applications
for the places that I have worked for. Also I took a job and am now
co-webmaster of - where I learned a lot more
about php by wanting the website to run smoother and easier, and
having a lot more automated tasks, and integration between other PHP

PHP was easy to pick up, especially with my C/C++ knowledge, and also
my dabblings with Java. I did not like visual basic at all, and having
the further availability of php servers around the internet than ASP,
I decided not to even touch asp until years later.

-Keith Richardson

On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:06:23 -0500, Ophir Prusak <prusak at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm currently writing an article on learning PHP and would like to
> know how others learned PHP and computer programming in general.
> I'm specifically looking for people who do NOT have a formal
> university computer science education.
> Please reply directly. Ideally I'd like to ask you a few questions
> over the phone (this will take less time then you writing up a long
> reply).
> Thanks
> Ophir
> _______________________________________________
> New York PHP Talk
> Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

Keith Richardson
keith at

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