[nycphp-talk] lazy initialization woes

Jason Perkins jperkins at
Wed Nov 10 20:24:58 EST 2004

On Nov 10, 2004, at 7:10 PM, Dan Cech wrote:

> I'm not 100% on overloading in php5, but I think you need either:

Hey Dan,
no joy on those suggestions, though I did have some hope for the second 
one. The problem is that __get() is truncating the attribute that 
wasn't found from customer->name to just customer, so I don't know what 
attribute access of customer failed - if I did know then it'd just be a 
matter of splitting out the first class name before the -> operator, 
instantiating that class name and then returning its property asked for 
(it'd actually be more than that to account for nested containers, but 
you see what I'm driving at).

Failing this method, does anyone have any other suggestions on 
implementing this type functionality?

Jason N Perkins

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