[nycphp-talk] SQLite book by Chris Newman

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Sat Nov 13 13:33:12 EST 2004

Hi John,

thanks for your note. I think I will order it soon from Amazon or from 
Bookpool. (I think that Adam Trachtenberg's new book has a section on 
creating an address book using SQLite and PHP5, or something like that.)

I could not find the book using Sams's search feature, but I did 
serendipitously come across the specific SQLite page at Sams, which is 
here, for others who may be interested:

Best regards,

- Jay
I also want to buy George's advanced PHP programming book; it looks 
pretty cool. There are also two new (co-authored) books by the founders 
of Zend. There's also a really cool looking new book from Apress on 
E-Commerce and PHP5. That one is listed as not yet published. I wonder 
when it will be?

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