[nycphp-talk] Top 5 Most Useful PHP Functions?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sat Nov 13 16:08:28 EST 2004

Hans Zaunere |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>>What are the top 5 most *useful* PHP functions to you? (in no order)
>>+ preg_match_all
>>+ preg_replace
>>+ array_unique
>>+ array_combine
>>+ (tie) file_get_contents and simplexml_load_string
>Well, I'd have to go with mysql_connect() as being the number one
>function I've used in nearly every PHP application I've ever written :)
>But seriously, it's a tough call to name specific functions, especially
>since the most common are language constructs (and technically not
>functions).  So, I'll say the most useful function groups:
>-- date/time (
>-- strings (
>-- arrays (
>-- error handling/logging
>-- php options and information
>-- MySQL (
>-- variables (
>Hans Zaunere
>President, Founder
>New York PHP

Hmmm.... I don't think it should be so easy to avoid answering the 
question ;-)

Perhaps we can get Hans to commit if we clarify a bit. Given that many 
core functions are like language constructs, we can take them for 
granted (they exist in most programming languages). But since PHP is 
such a cool language with so many great utility functions, of those 
remaining utlity functions, whcih are the favorites??

So by this reasoning mysql_connect doesn't count (unless there was some 
special set of params or technique of use that made it do something 
especially cool).

-=john andrews

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