[nycphp-talk] Windows not processing form?

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Fri Oct 15 15:54:47 EDT 2004

Unfortunately I don't have a solution to offer but do have some 
information to share.  I recently ran into a similar situation.  
Nothing would happen when a user clicked submit when they were on a 
windows box running IE.  The form does work fine when submitting from a 
Mac using Safari.

However, submitting using Netscape on a windows box does work.  It was 
an intranet application, so I was able to just ask the users to use 
netscape for that app.  Not an ideal solution, but other priorities 

Seems to be a browser specific issue...


On Oct 15, 2004, at 2:40 PM, leam at wrote:

> Okay, I put in most of the php from earlier, and now I have another 
> problem. I, on my linux box, and my wife, on a Mac, can submit on the 
> form. I have wondows users who say the click the "Add COntact" button 
> and nothing happens.
> Am I confused? Any suggestions on where to look?
> ciao!
> leam

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