[nycphp-talk] MySQL <-> Sybase

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Fri Oct 15 16:08:18 EDT 2004

Yes, I have been noticing that .. It was just hard to (or @ least USED to
be) download Sybase/Oracle and play around with until MySQL creeped in to
steal customers away for expensive licenses :-)

In early days playing with ODBC/Access was the only way to try db stuff, the
JDBC-native stuff came along and I never got around to stored procedures
(which MySQL 5 will have) ... And I can understand the need for logic to
occur on that side ..

Thanks everyone for the great suggestions.  Much appreciated.

- Jon

>>> For example, in the past I have written that it makes great sense when
you know you are using a database with stored procedures and triggers to put
as much of that logic in the database, as you will be able to reuse that
logic from ALL applications, regardless of target audience or programming
language.  Your PHP websites, python admin scripts, and VB client apps can
all use that logic. <<<

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