[nycphp-talk] Automatically create an object from a form

Chris Bielanski Cbielanski at
Tue Oct 19 12:05:19 EDT 2004

This brings to mind that there is a way to trick some browsers into
reloading your javascript, but actually Scott is 100% right - It slipped my
mind that this would require submit-to-self if nothing else, to change the
state of the PHP script at the server.

Sorry bout that :(

Chris Bielanski
Web Programmer, 
International Trademark Association,
1133 Avenue of the Americas, 33rd Floor
New York, NY 10036
+1 (212) 642-1745, f: +1 (212) 768-7796
mailto:cbielanski at,  
INTA -- 125 Years of Excellence

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Mattocks [mailto:scott at]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 11:59 AM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Automatically create an object from a form
> No, it can't be done. You can't parse the php code on the 
> client side. 
> That means that you have to request/reload a new page. Even 
> if you use 
> the onChange feature of the select box you will still be 
> submitting the 
> form. The use just might not notice.
> Scott Mattocks

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