[nycphp-talk] PHP Becoming JAVA?

George Schlossnagle george at
Wed Sep 1 11:12:44 EDT 2004

I think the author is off-base.  The PHP5 object model changes 
originated out of both user and developer unhappiness with the PHP4 way 
of doing things.  Many of the changes were both driven and implemented 
by people outside of Zend.

I've been as critical of the Zend guys as almost anyone, but this 
article is just a big (largely unfounded) personal attack against Andi 
and Zeev.  This same author wrote the hilariously off-base article 'PHP 
5: A Sign that PHP Could Soon be Owned by Sun', which was universally 
mocked by everyone actually involved in developing PHP.

I submit that the author should devote less time to these rabid 
conspiracy theories regarding why the language isn't developing in the 
way he wants, and more time actually trying to develop the language the 
way he wants.


On Sep 1, 2004, at 10:59 AM, Rolan Yang wrote:

>  Someone sent me this link to "Plug In" magazine which features the 
> artice  below (starts on page 9 of the pdf).
>  Interesting commentary.
> PHP Becoming JAVA?
> Is PHP drifting into some kind of Twilight Zone where it's neither 
> great for quick development nor for large scale development? Read the 
> full article. _______________________________________________
> New York PHP Talk
> Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)
George Schlossnagle

-- Prinicipal Consultant
-- OmniTI Computer Consulting
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